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Car accident injuries can result in long-term deficits

Accidents occur in Florida every day. While many motorists walk away from their accidents without any injuries, others are seriously hurt in them. Some injuries are more common than others.

Some of the more common minor injuries that car accident victims face include scrapes and cuts. It’s not uncommon for airbags to hurt car passengers when they deploy. The vehicle’s windows may break, causing the glass to cut occupants. Other objects, including cellphones and hot coffee, can go flying and cause injuries.

Soft tissue injuries, such as mid- to low-back sprains or whiplash, are also common. These injuries often occur when a motorist’s ligaments and head and neck muscles become overstretched.

Some of the more severe injuries that people may suffer in a car accident involve the chest, leg, arm and head. It’s not uncommon for individuals involved in crashes to suffer bruising from their chest, striking stationary objects in their car or forcefully making contact with the seat belt or airbag.

Head injuries may result from a motorist’s head striking the dashboard, windows or the steering wheel. While many motorists may only suffer a minor concussion due to such a crash, others may be left with lasting memory problems and more severe brain damage, especially if they blackout following the accident.

Many motorists who suffer leg injuries do so after striking them on dashboards. More severe complications can emerge as time progresses following an accident, though. It’s not uncommon for pain to persist, resulting in a motorist’s diagnosis with compartment syndrome or other severe, chronic medical disorders.

Individuals who are fortunate enough to walk away from a car accident relatively unscathed are the lucky ones. Many people assume nothing’s wrong soon after having a collision only to watch as symptoms emerge in the days and weeks following the crash. In instances like these, you may want to consult with an attorney who knows Florida law who can help you recover compensation for expenses and damages.

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