For most drivers, car insurance can be an annoying expense after all of the costs of leasing a vehicle and keeping it maintained. If you’re involved in a collision, auto insurance provides a necessary safety net for the cost associated with property damages and medical expenses.
Understanding how a no-fault state works
The laws in Florida are ‘no-fault’ when it comes to car accidents. After a collision, both drivers submit their insurance policies to their respective agencies regardless of who may be at fault. Drivers need additional Personal Injury Protection (PIP), with a minimum of $10,000 coverage. This addition is meant to take care of medical costs for injuries stemming from the accident. It doesn’t matter who caused an accident in Florida, as each driver’s insurance company will assess damages and medical expenses. Here are some of the details that drivers should know about their coverage:
- PIP coverage applies to medical treatment and lost wages. This coverage could apply to passengers in a vehicle.
- The insurance coverage under Florida law allows those injured to receive medical treatment right away.
- If injuries are of a certain severity, this designation may give the injured the option to file a lawsuit against the other motorist. This injury threshold represents the upper limit for medical expense coverage.
Pursuing compensation for damages and injuries
It’s crucial that drivers record as much information at the scene of an accident as possible. This documentation can include notes, photos and videos documenting the circumstances of a collision. With most people having smartphones these days, this step is a straightforward one. An accident can be a jarring event, but it’s essential to document potential negligence if your injuries worsen or are diagnosed as more debilitating than you thought. In the case of negligence combined with a serious injury, a driver or passenger might be able to file a personal injury suit or a liability insurance claim.